WHAT'S THIS SITE ALL ABOUT? "Game Goddesses" is a news, reviews and previews meeting place for a unique set of gamers. This site has been created for girls who love video games. Unlike other "women for gaming" sites, this site offers a unique rating system for games. To find out more about the rating system, visit the reviews section of this site. Currently, RPG's, action/adventure, puzzle and shooters are the only games reviewed at this time. PlayStation, PS2, N64 and computer games of this type are reviewed and previewed at this time. Why are other genres not reviewed? The reason is simply that the head Game Goddess and official "Game Goddesses" reviewers do not own other genres of games. As the site grows, all other genres will be covered in the reviews. If there's something you want reviewed that isn't, help us out! Become an official game reviewer! Why are other game consoles not included? The reason is simply that the head Game Goddess and official reviewers do not own any other consoles than those listed above. As the site grows, games for other consoles will be included in reviews and previews.
WHAT IS THE GAME GODDESS DIRECTORY? "Game Goddesses" plans to acquire a number of members that will be listed in the "Game Goddesses" directory. The directory provides the names, e-mail addresses, and a brief bio of all member Game Goddesses. Why have an on-line directory of female gamers? It's natural to talk to people with common interests. The "Game Goddesses" directory allows anyone interested in contacting a particular Game Goddess to do so. Who can access the "Game Goddesses" directory? All official "Game Goddesses" members and the general public can access the directory at this time. If any problems arise due to the directory being offered to the general public, the directory will be password protected and accessible to "Game Goddesses" members only. How can someone be added to the "Game Goddesses" directory? In order to have an entry in the "Game Goddesses" directory, you must be an official "Game Goddesses" member. To find out more, visit the Join! section of this site. |
We are the gals who:
Yes, we exist...and we deserve our own corner of the world wide web to exchange video game news, reviews & previews.
HOW DO I BECOME AN OFFICIAL GAME GODDESS? In order to be a Game Goddess, you must meet two main requirements:
Sorry guys, now is not your time to be a goddess, but you can become an honorary member (check out the directory). And of course, everyone is welcome to browse through the site and offer feedback on design, etc. How can I get involved? If you are interested in reviewing any genre of game (i.e. Sports, Fighting, Strategy), and wish to do so for "Game Goddesses", please contact the head Game Goddess at GameGoddesses@hotmail.com. "Game Goddesses" welcomes all female gamers to write reviews. If you are chosen to be one of the main "Game Goddesses" reviewers, you will be given credit for your work. What kind of credit will I get if I am chosen to write reviews? Your name will appear at the end of each article you write and your picture and short bio will appear on the reviewers identity page. |
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Revised: April 19, 2001 . |